2010年10月21日 星期四


Back in 2007, after I just graduated from art school, I briefly worked as a compositor and rotoscope artist on an animated short called MoonFishing by David Michael Friend.
Just yesterday I received the recently completely film in a beautiful DVD case with a hand-written card and a gorgeous little booklet that explained the story behind the story of MoonFishing. It turned out to be such a wonderful film and I'm super proud to have my name appearing in the credits. Congrats David and good luck at all the festivals from here on!

2010年10月9日 星期六

Employee of the month

I was going through old photos and found this in the collateral pile of the comic book I'm currently working on:

Umm.... why I put this in the collateral pile I cannot remember for the life of me. It just might make its way back to the book.

Anyways, this picture had nothing to do with the title of this entry. I just won employee of the month a couple of days ago. Teehee.